Saturday, April 9, 2011

Few Suggestions on how Lokpal Bill will change the Face of INDIA

Suggestion for Corruption Elimination in All Units under Lokpal Supervision

Current State : We have scam after scam because the unit disbursing money does not put monitoring programs in place to ensure effective outcomes from the money it di...
sburses. A recent example There is no periodic self reporting on effectiveness of say 80% of the money disbursed ( using 80:20) rule . There are no fines and or jail time for the CMD or minister if such a waste of public money is discovered. Normally when a minister or CMD changes they uncover these scams but the previous minister or CMD is not held accountable. The CMD or minister may not have personally profited from this but they have wasted public money .

Plan for Elimination : All units should be required to file within six months there corruption elimination plan signed by CMD or minister. The plan must use Lokpal guidelines which could improve on All these plans could be in the public domain and each scheme should have a code that if a citizen wants to alert the Lokpal of corruption they mention the scheme and code. If the Lokpal finds fraud above 5 crores all the serving people who are accountable should get jail time ranging from one month for lowest and doubling at each higher level upto one year max. All should be fined one year CTE ( cost to exchequer) . This if they did not personally profit. Anyone who personally profited should get minimum jail of one year with max life imprisonment and all the ill gotten gains should be recovered plus a penalty assessed. For a public servant no longer serving if a scam is uncovered within one year of their leaving office where they were accountable they would suffer similar penalties .

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