Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Black Money

 India tops the list for black money in the entire world with almost US$1456 billion in Swiss banks (USD 1.4 trillion approximately) in the form of black money.According to the data provided by the Swiss Banking Association Report (2006), India has more black money than the rest of the world combined.Indian Swiss bank account assets are worth 13 times the country’s national debt. This money is enough for our india to become 10 times America and become one of the most powerful devoleped country in the world for next 100yrs .

For more Details :

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Victory March at India Gate..!! I'm so Woahhhh ..!!

Until now we merely just heard from our elders, read in history and even to more saw some movies based on endearing subjects like patriotism, sacrifice for nation and the fights fought for Indepence. They incited us not for longer than a few while. Nonethe...less, there have been people for whom this phantasm stayed within their blood cell and one of them is –Anna Hazaare. Ironically, most of us were unacquainted of this not less than great personality. Ever after he survived the bomb attacks while in the Indian Army, his pledge staged-managed constantly, in resurrecting a barren village into an `ideal village’ model and empowering the faceless citizen through pioneering work on Right to Information. He made a promise to himself to stay unmarried, for he could use his life in making India a better place. Another endeavor he put forth was The Lokpal Bill (Anti Corruption) and this was certainly not an easy pin to push through the board. When 42 years couldn’t make it to success , Anna got on to a –Hunger Strike until death. This is where his Gandhian thoughts played its colors. And this stiff, yet non-violent stride brought about a whole new revolution and this time we all witnessed it and participated with our hearts out. Each one of this country yet again powered together and filled in Anna’s revolution-a victory step. This is our vision in the perseverance to each voice, each candle lit, each prayer and each flag held.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A must watch video. It is actually a short film on Anti-Corruption ..!! Go ahead and watch it .. !!

Hazare writes to Sonia Gandhi

It is amazing to see the unity amongst the politicians and corrupts, going all out to derail the process of enacting Jan Lok Pal Bill. A PIL filed in the SC by a group of Advocates led by one M L Sharma challenging the inclusion of five civil society members in a committee to draft the Lokpal Bill. Will they Succeed?

A group of advocates on Monday moved the Supreme Court challenging the inclusion of five civil society members in a committee to draft the Lokpal Bill.
Advocate M.L. Sharma and others have moved the court contending that inclusion of five civil society members in the committee, which also has five ministers, is constitutionally flawed as a parliamentary committee must comprise only members of parliament and no one else.
It also assailed the inclusion of the father-son duo — Shanti and Prashant Bhushan.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nice saying by Anna Hazare

If it's blackmail, I'll do it again. Netas forget, they're servants, not masters. Surely, the masters have a right to ask their servants, 'What have you done with our money?' - Anna Hazare

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Can you Do to bring Anti-Corruption Law?

Your Friend Calls You up: Dude, Whats up??,Why You Taking So much Interest in Politics, Just Chill, Lets Party.
You Simply send him this link 
www.letsfightcorruptiontogether.blogspot.com & Make Him Read.
After Reading, He doesnt Call You Back, But Infact Calls 10 other People and Make Them Read too..This is Magic and Power of Jan Lokpal Law.!! Support will Rise Automatically!! Just Need Your Small Initiation !!

Cartoon Time

         Cartoon by Sharad Anand 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Anna's appeal to the Nation

My dear fellow citizens,

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to each one of you for your overwhelming support for the Jan Lokpal movement, making the Tantra (the System) appreciate the power of the Lok (the People) as is befitting the world’s largest and greatest Loktantra (democracy).

Our victory so far over corruption, falsehood, injustice, and oppression is indisputable and unprecedented. But it is also clearly evident that there is handful of people who are already active trying to create schisms in this great coming together of all sections of our society to fight for a corruption-free future. This handful of people wants to break up our collective power and try to create discord.

One way for them to try to break up our collective power is to spread disinformation and rake up issues that will distract attention from the fight against corruption towards individuals and extraneous matters.

It is important that we are able to see through their designs. We need to not only frustrate their plans but also keep our collective enthusiasm at a level that must keep rising.

Our victory so far bears out that we have chosen the right and noble way forward for our country, but our destination is way ahead. We cannot afford to dissipate our energies on arguing over non-issues and quarreling with disinformation campaigns undertaken by the people who see an effective Lokpal as a grave threat to their interests.

I consider myself, Anna Hazare, a non-entity. In the history of a great nation and civilization, many Anna Hazares come and go. However, some of the crucial junctures of the history demand that we live up to our national values and ideals; not living up to those values and ideals is like a living death. That’s what I have learnt from the father of our great nation.

My indefinite fast was not aimed at getting the government or an individual to fulfill a wayward and irresponsible demand; it was meant to be a Satyagraha of the people of India to liberate ourselves from a monstrously corrupt system of governance.

The youth who are devoting some of the most beautiful phase of their lives on this movement for corruption-free India are our force. The mothers and sisters who lit candles at public places are our light. The sweating foot soldiers of this movement who throw their hands skywards and shout the inspiring slogans are our energy. The Indians who have seen a ray of hope in this movement for a better future will also be the dreamers who will envision a fairer and nobler India.

The handful of people who have allowed themselves to be led astray by corruption and injustice will find the right path. That’s our hope.
I appeal to each Indian to keep our unity in this fight against corruption. Each one of us makes up the India, the entire India. So each one of us matter in this struggle to make our government clean and serve our collective interests.

I am hopeful that this movement will help clean up and strengthen all our democratic institutions.

I appeal to you not to pay attention to disinformation and distractive campaigns.

I pray to the Almighty God to give us strength to keep our unity and integrity.

May God bless us all!

Yours affectionately,

Anna Hazare
13th April 2011

Rajinikanth wants to join Hazare's fight against graft

Rajnikant said "I want to work with Anna Hazare to remove corruption," the actor said, adding, "Corruption is the biggest issue facing the state today."
So are we all with Rajnikant?
Lets fight corruption Together ..!!


Monday, April 11, 2011

Anna Hazare has said that the meetings of the joint committee should be videotaped and the tapes made public. This should lay to rest all the doubts from the people who were worried about what will go behind closed doors. Will the government agree?

India Against Corruption with Dr Kiran Bedi (A must watch video)

If at all you wondered who's ANNA HAZARE and what is he fighting for?

1. Who is Anna Hazare?

An ex-army man. Fought 1965 Indo-Pak War

2. What's so special about him?

He built a village Ralegaon Siddhi in Ahamad Nagar district, Maharashtra

3. So what?
This village is a self-sustained model village. Energy is produced in
the village itself from solar power, biofuel and wind mills.

In 1975, it used to be a poverty clad village. Now it is one of the
richest village in India. It has become a model for self-sustained,
eco-friendly & harmonic village.

4. Ok,...?

This person, Anna Hazare was awarded Padma Bhushan and is a known
figure for his social activities.

5. Really, what is he fighting for?

He is supporting a cause, the amendment of a law to curb corruption in India.

6. How that can be possible?

He is advocating for a Bil, The Lok Pal Bill (The Citizen Ombudsman
Bill), that will form an autonomous authority who will make
politicians (ministers), beurocrats (IAS/IPS) accountable for their

8. It's an entirely new thing right..?

In 1972, the bill was proposed by then Law minister Mr. Shanti
Bhushan. Since then it has been neglected by the politicians and some
are trying to change the bill to suit thier theft (corruption).

7. Oh.. He is going on a hunger strike for that whole thing of passing
a Bill ! How can that be possible in such a short span of time?

The first thing he is asking for is: the government should come
forward and announce that the bill is going to be passed.

Next, they make a joint committee to DRAFT the LOK PAL BILL. 50%
goverment participation and 50% public participation. Because you cant
trust the government entirely for making such a bill which does not
suit them.

8. Fine, What will happen when this bill is passed?

A LokPal will be appointed at the centre. He will have an autonomous
charge, say like the Election Commission of India. In each and every
state, Lokayukta will be appointed. The job is to bring all alleged
party to trial in case of corruptions within 1 year. Within 2 years,
the guilty will be punished. Not like, Bofors scam or Bhopal Gas
Tragedy case, that has been going for last 25 years without any

9. Is he alone? Whoelse is there in the fight with Anna Hazare?

Baba Ramdev, Ex. IPS Kiran Bedi, Social Activist Swami Agnivesh, RTI
activist Arvind Kejriwal and many more.

Prominent personalities like Aamir Khan is supporting his cause.

10. Ok, got it. What can I do?

At least we can spread the message. How?

Putting status message, links, video, changing profile pics.

At least we can support Anna Hazare and the cause for uprooting
corruption from India.

At least we can hope that his Hunger Strike does not go in vain.

At least we can pray for his good health.

**This Article is written by Akshay Kini.
 **Thanks a lot for your contribution. Appreciate your efforts.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Anna’s letter to PM

Dr Manmohan Singh,
Prime Minister of India
New Delhi
Sub: Our discussions regarding the Jan Lokpal Bill
Dear Dr Singh,
We thank you for the courtesies extended to the team of “India against Corruption (IAC)” when we met you on your invitation for discussion on the Jan Lokpal Bill.
At a time when the whole country is bleeding due to corruption, we are concerned that you expressed inability to act against corruption till 13th May due to ongoing Parliamentary session and forthcoming
assembly elections. You suggested that a “symbolic” meeting of a sub-committee of Group of Ministers could be held after 25th March with the representatives of IAC.
Rather than have this symbolic meeting, we feel that a genuine beginning could be made if the following steps were taken:
1. As written in my earlier letter to you, the government should immediately constitute a “Jan Lokpal Bill Committee (JLBC)” which should consist of five members of civil society (to be suggested by IAC) and an
equal number of members from the government to draft a Lokpal Bill on behalf of the Government. The committee should be headed by a civil society representative.
2. The JLBC should treat the Jan Lokpal Bill prepared by IAC as its working draft.
3. JLBC will submit its final report by 13th May 2011.
4. The report submitted by this committee should be treated as final and should not be subjected to scrutiny by yet another committee. Therefore, we request that such people from the government
should be included, who either have direct power to make decisions or would be in direct contact with key decision makers.
5. The government should introduce the Jan Lokpal Bill as prepared above in the monsoon session of Parliament, with a view to get it passed through both Houses of Parliament by the end of this year. This
was promised by you in the meeting.
I am continuing with my decision to start my indefinite fast from 5th April, unless the Government demonstrates its genuine intentions to act against corruption by implementing the above steps.
Yours sincerely
(Anna Hazare)

6 years after signing, India yet to ratify UN convention against corruption

 India stands out as one of the few countries in the world that have not acceded to the UN convention against corruption. This convention, which came into force in 2005, has 140 countries on its list. India, which regularly battles corruption of mammoth proportions, is not.

India signed the convention in 2005 but the UPA government, particularly the department of personnel and training (DoPT), has steadfastly refused to ratify it.

Read More at the Link below:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Few Suggestions on how Lokpal Bill will change the Face of INDIA

Suggestion for Corruption Elimination in All Units under Lokpal Supervision

Current State : We have scam after scam because the unit disbursing money does not put monitoring programs in place to ensure effective outcomes from the money it di...
sburses. A recent example http://www.hindustantimes.com/tabloid-news/newdelhi/Half-of-India-s-youth-clubs-exist-only-on-paper/Article1-683268.aspx. There is no periodic self reporting on effectiveness of say 80% of the money disbursed ( using 80:20) rule . There are no fines and or jail time for the CMD or minister if such a waste of public money is discovered. Normally when a minister or CMD changes they uncover these scams but the previous minister or CMD is not held accountable. The CMD or minister may not have personally profited from this but they have wasted public money .

Plan for Elimination : All units should be required to file within six months there corruption elimination plan signed by CMD or minister. The plan must use Lokpal guidelines which could improve on
http://www.jdsupra.com/post/documentViewer.aspx?fid=1a158968-2ffc-4b31-ae2c-ae2564e2d655. All these plans could be in the public domain and each scheme should have a code that if a citizen wants to alert the Lokpal of corruption they mention the scheme and code. If the Lokpal finds fraud above 5 crores all the serving people who are accountable should get jail time ranging from one month for lowest and doubling at each higher level upto one year max. All should be fined one year CTE ( cost to exchequer) . This if they did not personally profit. Anyone who personally profited should get minimum jail of one year with max life imprisonment and all the ill gotten gains should be recovered plus a penalty assessed. For a public servant no longer serving if a scam is uncovered within one year of their leaving office where they were accountable they would suffer similar penalties .

A very Interesting Advertisement by Amul on Anna Hazare's Wish for Corruption Free INDIA

Anna Hazare's Demands are Accepted by the Government


We won!!! After a massive and unprecedented outpouring of public pressure, the government has given in and met all of Anna Hazare's demands!!

The anti-corruption movement was growing like wildfire across the nation.

This is just the beginning -- there will be more chances for corrupt politicians to stop this bill -- but if we stick together, we can make this the beginning of the end for the poisonous culture of corruption that stifles this nation. Let's take this moment to celebrate together, thank each other, and share thoughts for all the possibilities of the road ahead. Post a comment expressing your views.

Good News: Bhartiya Janta Party will support Lokpal Bill in Parliament

Promising support for the Lokpal Bill in the Monsoon session of Parliament, BJP chief Nitin Gadkari said the party welcomed the campaign against corruption by social activist Anna Hazare. For more information Check out the link below:

Show Your Support by Standing with ANNA HAZARE

Go to the link below and sign the petition which says:
"We stand with Anna Hazare. We call on you to endorse the Jan Lokpal bill and act urgently to implement effective measures to tackle corruption. We want a new era of corruption-free politics in our country."
This petition is going to be sent to Honorable Prime Minister Manmohan Singh !!

Friday, April 8, 2011

INDIA Against Corruption Official Link

What is Jan Lokpal Bill?

In India, the Jan Lokpal Bill is a draft anti-corruption bill that would create a Jan Lokpal, an independent body like the Election Commission, which would have the power to prosecute politicians and bureaucrats without government permission.
The bill was drafted by Shanti Bhushan, former IPS Kiran Bedi, Justice N. Santosh Hegde, advocate Prashant Bhushan, former chief election commissioner J. M. Lyngdoh in consultation with the leaders of the India Against Corruption movement and civil society. The bill proposes the institution of the office of Lokpal at the center and the Lokayukta at the state level. The Jan Lokpal Bill is designed to create an effective anti-corruption and grievance redressal system to assure that an effective deterrent is created against corruption and to provide effective protection to whistleblowers.
The Lokpal Bill drafted by the government has failed to pass the Rajya Sabha for 42 years.The first Lokpal Bill was passed in the 4th Lok Sabha in 1969 but could not get through in the Rajya Sabha. Subsequently, Lokpal bills were introduced in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005 and in 2008. However, no bill has yet been passed.

Key Features of the Jan Lokpal Bill:
  1. A central government anti-corruption institution called "Lokpal", supported by state institutions called "Lokayukta" will be set up
  2. Like the Supreme Court and the Election Commission, they will be completely independent of the governments. No minister or bureaucrat will be able to influence their investigations.
  3. Members will be appointed by judges, private citizens, and constitutional authorities through a transparent and participatory process.
  4. Investigations in each case will have to be completed in one year. Trials should be completed in the following year, meaning the total process will take place within two years.
  5. Any loss that a corrupt person caused to the government will be recovered at the time of conviction.
  6. Help to common citizen: If any work of any citizen is not done in prescribed time in any government office, Lokpal will impose financial penalty on guilty officers, which will be given as compensation to the complainant.
  7. Any complaint against any officer of Lokpal shall be investigated and, if found to be substantive, will result in the the officer being dismissed within two months.
  8. The existing anti-corruption agencies(CVC, departmental vigilance and the anti-corruption branch of CBI) will be merged into Lokpal. Lokpal will have complete powers and authority to independently investigate and prosecute any officer, judge or politician.
  9. The agency will also provide protection to whistleblowers who alert it of potential corruption cases.
Lets Pray that this Bill is accepted by the Parliament!
Our Dream is to make INDIA Corruption Free  ..!!

2011 Indian Anti-Corruption Movement

The protests for Jan Lokpal Bill are a group of unprecedented protests for Jan Lokpal Billthat sprang up across India especially after April 5th 2011. The protesters want the government to draft a strong anti-graft Lokpal bill which follows the originally drafted bill and not the changes the Government of India plans to bring to the bill, which will make the Lokpal just another advisory body with no actual power in the vast Indian bureaucracy. Following continuous calls in vain to the government to work effectively towards passing the bill, a renowned civil society activist and Gandhian Anna Hazare went on an indefinite hunger strike unto death until his demands in support of the bill were met. Anna Hazare has demanded for a joint committee of civil society members and government representatives to draft a strong anti-graft bill.The protests led to the creation of an unprecedented protests movement that saw protests being organised in various cities and towns of India. Protests included one day fasts, candle vigils and rallies. The protests are especially one of their kind in India as they have no political affiliation and the protesters have been very hostile to any political party trying to grab the initiative to meet its own political goals from the activists. The protests to some extent have similarities in demands, methods and philosophies with 2011 Egyptian revolution and the Tunisian revolution, that has rocked the very foundations of governments in the Arab world.

Corruption - Deadliest Disease in India

Tata Tea Video on Fighting Corruption

Corruption in India

Corruption is using of power for illegitimate private gain. Political corruption and bureaucratic corruption in India are major concerns.  For 2010, India was ranked 87th of 178 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index. As of 2010, India is amongst the most corrupt governments in the world, though one of the least corrupt in South Asia.India needs to deal with the malice of corruption and improve governance in Asia's third-largest economy, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on 18 March 2011.

India tops the list for black money in the entire world with almost US$1456 billion in Swiss banks (USD 1.4 trillion approximately) in the form of black money. According to the data provided by the Swiss Banking Association Report (2006), India has more black money than the rest of the world combined.Indian Swiss bank account assets are worth 13 times the country’s national debt. Indian black money is sometimes physically transferred abroad.

Criminalization of Indian politics is a serious problem. In July 2008 The Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges.An international watchdog conducted a study on the illicit flight of money from India, perhaps the first ever attempt at shedding light on a subject steeped in secrecy, concludes that India has been drained of $462 billion (over Rs 20 lakh crore) between 1948 and 2008. The amount is nearly 40% of India's annual gross domestic product.Independent reports have recently calculated India's traditionally ruling political-family's (Gandhi's) net worth to be anywhere between Rs.42,345 crore (US$9.4 billion) to Rs.83,900 crore (US$18.63 billion), most of it in the form of illegal monies.

Despite this, Government of India is sitting on unused foreign aid of over Rs.100,000 crore (US$22.2 billion) reflecting inadequate planning by ministries like urban development, water resources and energy, a report by government auditor Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has said. “As on March 31, 2010, unutilised committed external assistance was of the order of Rs.1,05,339 crore,” the CAG said in its report tabled in Parliament on 18 March 2011. In fact, the Indian government has paid commitment charges of Rs.86.11 crore (US$19.12 million) out of taxpayer-money during 2009-10 in the form of penalty for not timely utilising the aid approved by multilateral and bilateral lending agencies.

It's Time to Wake up and Fight Against Corruption!